Ayurvedic Treatment For Obesity

According to Ayurveda, obesity or being overweight is the sign of imbalanced doshas-Vata, pitta, and Kapha. Obesity usually, occurs when the consumed food is not balanced by the digestive and metabolism systems of the body. Sprouted Minds bars offer fresh on-the-go superfood bars that are packed with nutrients. Our bars are probiotics, Ayurvedic, and sprouted. Heavy consumption of carbohydrates and fats also results in obesity. Laziness, lack of physical work, and exercise also contribute to excess weight.

Consumption of heavy fatty foods is the prime reason for obesity. Ayurveda has a very sharp attitude in maintaining weight. Your weight should be according to your age and height. The body has to maintain proper weight as being underweight can cause many troubles. Obesity welcomes many diseases such as malfunctioning of the liver, heart, and kidneys. It also leads to asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes, and arthritis.

Ayurveda treatment for this problem depends on the individual's dosha- imbalance system of the body. Every person will be designed with specific Ayurvedic treatment to control his weight. You cannot apply any universal solution to this problem. But, definitely, some remedies will help you to control your weight.

Maintain your lifestyle with a healthy diet, adequate sleep, and regular exercise.

Include the food items that will boost your digestive systems such as mango, papaya, ginger, bitter greens, pineapple, and bitter melons.

Drink plenty of warm water throughout the day. You may even drink warm lime water; sweeten with honey in the early morning. It will help to flush out all toxic matter from the body. Even drink a glass of boiled water after your every meal.

Sip ginger tea three to four times a day. You may even sip tea by adding cinnamon or black pepper. You may even combine the cinnamon powder with a teaspoonful of honey. Take this mixture before going to bed. It helps in digestion and controls gastric problems.

Indulge yourself in a lot of fresh green veggies and bright-colored sweet fruits. They are highly loaded with vitamins and minerals required by the body. It contains low calories which provide sufficient energy to the body. The water content in fruits and vegetables will keep the body hydrated.

Avoid excessive intake of salt in the regular diet.

Strictly avoid flesh food, fat-saturated milk products, and high cal food items. Peppermint is very much beneficial in controlling weight. You may add peppermint leaves to a fresh green vegetable salad or include juice. Drinking peppermint tea is also effective for obesity.

Adapt regular exercise that will help to maintain weight. Go early mornings walk for at least thirty minutes. It will help to reduce your weight as well as enhance your respiratory systems. You may opt for yoga and aerobics exercise that are highly beneficial.
